Dr. Antonio Pedro Silva
"The Open Doors through the Hall Technique: History, Evidence, Limitations, Potential and Future Directions "
This lecture will cover the Hall Technique, which is a minimally invasive restorative method that has gained popularity due to its effectiveness and strong scientific evidence supporting its use. Specifically, the lecture will review the history of the Hall Technique and the current scientific evidence regarding its application in pediatric dentistry. The indications, advantages, and limitations of the technique will be addressed, along with efforts made to overcome these limitations through the development of white, ultra-thin, custom-made Peek modified composite crowns.
"Technology- assisted Behavior management: Roogies Virtual Tool and Electronic Anesthesia"
As the field of pediatric dentistry has progressed, so has the approach to behavior management. Now, technology is playing an increasingly significant role in advancing Pediatricv Dentistry even further. In this presentation, we will discuss two innovative technological tools that aim to improve the dental experience for children by enhancing behavior and reducing dental fear. Roogies, a virtual cognitive-behavioral tool, and intraosseous anesthesia, a powerful method for pain control, will be presented.
Dr. Antonio Pedro Silva is a Pediatric Dentist who obtained his Specialist Degree in Pediatric Dentistry from Oporto Dental Medical School in 2011. He is the founder of the Pediatric Dentistry Forum with over 48,000 members from around the globe. Dr. Silva practices exclusively in Pediatric Dentistry in Flandres, Belgium, and has been invited as a lecturer to various congresses worldwide, including Italy, Spain, USA, Portugal, Mexico, Russia, Egypt, Iraq, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania, Tunisia and Greece. He is an active member of the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry (IAPD) and serves on the PR committee. Dr. Silva is also the Co-Chair of the YIAPD Network, which supports young Pediatric Dentists. Dr. Silva has a particular interest in behavior management, childcentered and friendly dentistry and technological innovation in Pediatric dentistry.
Prof. dr. David John Manton
"Non-Restorative Management Of Dental Caries"
Dental caries is still the major non-communicable disease amongst children, and worldwide, most lesions are untreated. Early detection and diagnosis of increased caries risk and possibly the early carious lesion allows determination of the risk factors and whether these can be modified depending on the family context. Once the early lesion has been detected, possibilities exist, in conjunction with modifying the caries risk factors, to remineralise the lesions with products such as fluoride and CPP-ACP, and pit and fissure sealing may also be appropriate in posterior teeth. In summary, determination of caries risk and management of the risk and early carious lesion will be discussed.
David has spent nearly 40 years in private practice and academia and is currently a Professor of Paediatric Dentistry at the UMCG, University of Groningen and a visiting professor at ACTA in Amsterdam. He previously convened the specialist training program in paediatric dentistry at the University of Melbourne, and was chair of the postgraduate education and research committee. David is involved in several collaborative and postgraduate research projects in both paediatric dentistry and orthodontics. Graduated BDSc (Melb) in 1984 and worked in general practice until 1991 when he undertook an MDSc in Paediatric Dentistry. He was dental advisor to the Australian Federal Government from 1994 – 1996 and won the KG Sutherland Prize of the RACDS in 2007. He is an associate editor of Caries Research and on the advisory panel (board) of the European Caries Research Association (ORCA). He is also a long term member of the editorial boards of the European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry and the International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. David is a past president of the IADR paediatric oral health research group.
Over the past 20 years David has spoken throughout Australia, Asia and Europe and has wide ranging research experience in developmental defects of enamel (especially MIH), resin infiltration of MIH lesions, CPP-ACP, Minimum Intervention Dentistry, the detection of carious lesions, and the use of calcium silicates in endodontics. He has published more than 150 manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals and according to Google scholar he has been cited more than 7000 times since 2018. He is currently supervising far too many PhD and masters students research projects.
Prof. Dr. E. Bahar Tuna İnce
In a child patient, if the formation of malocclusions cannot be prevented, the treatments which performed to prevent the progression of the existing anomaly are called interseptive orthodontic treatments. Bad oral habits and breathing disorders in childhood may have a negative effect on occlusion. The content of this problem depends on the duration and intensity of the effect, and the skeletal and dental relationship in the child. Elimination of bad habits and regulation of dental and dentoalveolar disorders have positive effects on both the face and important functions of the child patient such as breathing, swallowing, and speaking, also increase the patient's quality of life. In this presentation, malocclusions seen in children in the early term will be evaluated and the factors affecting the correct treatment indication and the treatment options applied will be evaluated with different cases. Current treatment approaches will be discussed in the light of recent literature and the results of the applications will be discussed.
Prof. E. Bahar Tuna İnce graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry in 1999 and completed her doctorate education in 2006 at the same university, Department of Pedodontics. She carried out part of her doctoral studies as a visiting researcher at Indiana University, USA. Between 2008 and 2010, she worked as a "postdoctoral researcher" at Nihon University, School of Dentistry, Department of Pediatric Dentistry in Tokyo, Japan. She received the title of "Associate Professor" in 2012 and “Professor” in 2018 and still works as a faculty member in the same department. She received his master's degree in orthodontic department from Yeni Yuzyıl University in 2021. Prof. Dr. E. Bahar Tuna has more than 100 articles published in national and international journals, 5 patents, and 3 book chapters. Her scientific interests include early orthodontic treatments, dental materials and dental anxiety. She continues to work as a treasurer at the Turkish Pedodontics Society.
Prof. Dr. Kaan Orhan
"Artifical Intelligence and Blockchain in Dentistry and Radiology: What does the future hold?"
Artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare is the use of algorithms and software to approximate human cognition in the analysis of complex medical data. Specifically, AI is the ability for computer algorithms to approximate conclusions without direct human input. What distinguishes AI technology from traditional technologies in health care is the ability to gain information, process it and give a well-defined output to the end-user. AI does this through machine learning algorithms, which can recognize patterns in behavior and create its own logic. This lecture explains the basic principles of deep learning and its application as well blockchain technology will be discussed technical requirements, and presents examples of successful application of deep learning techniques in dentistry and radiology.
Kaan Orhan, DDS MSc MHM PhD, BBAc is the Dean and a Professor of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology at the Ankara University, Faculty of Dentistry, where he serves as a faculty in Dentomaxillofacial Radiology Department, Ankara University, Ankara, Türkiye, and visiting Professor at the Medical University of Lublin, Poland and was also visiting Professor between 2018-2020 at the OMFS-IMPATH Research Group, Department of Imaging and Pathology, University of Leuven, Belgium. He is currently also a visiting Professor at the Lublin University Faculty of Medicine in Poland.
Dr. Orhan received his dental degree in 1998 and completed his PhD and Maxillofacial radiology residency studies in 2002 at the Osaka University Faculty of Dentistry in Osaka, Japan and Ankara University, Faculty of Dentistry. In 2004, he started his academic career in Ankara University as a consultant at the Faculty of Dentistry. Between 2004-2006, he worked as Maxillofacial consultant and lecturer in the same University. He became an associate professor in 2006 and a full-time professor in 2012. 2007-2010, he was the founder and the chairman of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology Department, Near East University, Cyprus.
He has over 350 SCI international publications on peer-reviewed journals, and received over 5000 citations from his studies with an h index 40. He particularly made significant contributions in the Maxillofacial Radiology. He has been invited to give many lectures in national and international scientific meetings. He served as the chairman of Research and Scientific Committee, European Academy of DentoMaxillofacial Radiology (EADMFR) between 2008-2012 and he was elected for the Vice president position (2012-2014) and then as the President of EADMFR.
He is also still serving in the Research and Scientific com in IADMFR. He is a fellow of American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (AAOMFR), Japanese Board of DentoMaxillofacial Radiology, European Head and Neck Radiology Society (ESHNR), European society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESRMB), Turkish Magnetic Resonance Society,
He was a Board member of specialization committee in Ministry of Health and served as the recognition of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology specialty in Türkiye. He is editor of several journals and also reviewer more than 50 different medical journals. He is co-author and contributor of more than 10 books both in English and Turkish.
Prof. Dr. Kaan Orhan was included in the "World's Most Influential Scientist" list, which was published by Stanford University in 2021, at the rate of 2% according to academic and scientific performance among 7 million researchers all over the world. In 2020, he received the "Innovative Dentist of the Year" award with his work titled Artificial Intelligence Application in Dentistry. Besides, The Lincoln R. Manson-Hing Honorable Mention Award given by the Oral Maxillofacial Radiology Association of America in 2018 and 2019, and the Ankara University Science Award in 2018, the Turkish Dental Society Oral and Dental Health 2nd Prize in 2015, and the "52nd Prize in Dental Health" in 2011. Japanese Congress of DentoMaxillofacial Radiology”. He received the European Congress of DentoMaxillofacial Radiology”, the best study award in 2008. "Yoshida Manufacturing Award" at the "7th Asia Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology" congress in 2008.
Assistant Lecturer Cengiz EVLİ
"Radiologic Tips in the 3rd Dimension in Pediatric Dentistry: Why? How? "
Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is an imaging technique used for various reasons in pediatric dentistry. However, its use is quite limited. The radiation dose of CBCT scans should not be overlooked. Therefore, pediatric dentists should avoid unnecessary CBCT scans and prefer low-dose scans as much as possible. The use of CBCT can provide significant advantages in the evaluation of root fractures, planning of embedded teeth that are considered to be orthodontically maintained, complex dentoalveolar traumas, or more specific pathological conditions such as cysts or tumors. The area to be scanned should be limited and the radiation dose should be reduced as much as possible. This course is designed to provide information on the necessity of CBCT use in children and to improve the ability to interpret CBCT images accurately.
The course will consist of a series of lectures and case presentations. The information provided in this course will increase the participants' knowledge on CBCT and enable effective evaluation of CBCT images with special software.
Assistant Lecturer Cengiz EVLI completed his undergraduate education in 2014 at Hacettepe University Faculty of Dentistry. He completed his specialty training at Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry between 2018-2021 and completed his thesis titled "Retrospective Examination of the Morphometric Anatomy of the Occipital Condyle and Surroundings with CBCT". He received the title of Specialist in Dento-Maxillofacial Radiology. A member of the European Dento-Maxillofacial Radiology Society and Oral Diagnosis and Maxillofacial Radiology Society, Lecturer Cengiz EVLI has been continuing his academic career as a faculty member in the Department of Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology at Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry since 2022.
Prof. Dr. Hakan EREN
"Radiologic Tips in the 3rd Dimension in Pediatric Dentistry: Why? How? "
Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is an imaging technique used for various reasons in pediatric dentistry. However, its use is quite limited. The radiation dose of CBCT scans should not be overlooked. Therefore, pediatric dentists should avoid unnecessary CBCT scans and prefer low-dose scans as much as possible. The use of CBCT can provide significant advantages in the evaluation of root fractures, planning of embedded teeth that are considered to be orthodontically maintained, complex dentoalveolar traumas, or more specific pathological conditions such as cysts or tumors. The area to be scanned should be limited and the radiation dose should be reduced as much as possible. This course is designed to provide information on the necessity of CBCT use in children and to improve the ability to interpret CBCT images accurately.
The course will consist of a series of lectures and case presentations. The information provided in this course will increase the participants' knowledge on CBCT and enable effective evaluation of CBCT images with special software.
Professor Dr. Hakan EREN received his undergraduate degree from the Faculty of Dentistry at Ankara University in 2005, following which he commenced his doctoral studies in Oral Diagnosis and Radiology at the same institution in 2006. Upon successfully completing his doctoral studies in 2013, he proceeded to assume the position of specialist doctor in the field of Dento-Maxillofacial Radiology at the Faculty of Dentistry at Ankara University. In recognition of his academic achievements, he was conferred the title of Associate Professor in 2017, and was subsequently appointed as an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Dentistry at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University in 2020. As of 2023, he has been awarded the prestigious title of Professor at the same institution, and currently serves as the Vice Dean and Head of the Department of Dento-Maxillofacial Radiology at the Faculty of Dentistry at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Hakan Kurt
"Radiologic Tips in the 3rd Dimension in Pediatric Dentistry: Why? How? "
Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is an imaging technique used for various reasons in pediatric dentistry. However, its use is quite limited. The radiation dose of CBCT scans should not be overlooked. Therefore, pediatric dentists should avoid unnecessary CBCT scans and prefer low-dose scans as much as possible. The use of CBCT can provide significant advantages in the evaluation of root fractures, planning of embedded teeth that are considered to be orthodontically maintained, complex dentoalveolar traumas, or more specific pathological conditions such as cysts or tumors. The area to be scanned should be limited and the radiation dose should be reduced as much as possible. This course is designed to provide information on the necessity of CBCT use in children and to improve the ability to interpret CBCT images accurately.
The course will consist of a series of lectures and case presentations. The information provided in this course will increase the participants' knowledge on CBCT and enable effective evaluation of CBCT images with special software.
Dr. Mehmet Hakan Kurt completed his undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Dentistry at Ankara University in 2007, and subsequently commenced his doctoral studies at the Department of Oral Diagnosis and Radiology of the same faculty. In 2013, he completed his doctoral thesis entitled "Evaluation of the Effect of Radiation Exposure Resulting from Different Imaging Techniques on Osseointegration" and was awarded the title of Doctor. He was recognized the title of Associate Professor in the field of Dento-Maxillofacial Radiology in 2017. Dr. Hakan has authored numerous national and international research papers, served as a reviewer for various international journals, and participated in numerous national and international conferences to stay up-to-date with current developments in his field. He has presented many papers at relevant conferences. He is a member of the Oral Diagnosis and Maxillofacial Society and the European Dentomaxillofacial Radiology Academy, and serves as a delegate for the Turkish delegation on the Radiation Protection Committee, a major committee of the academy. He continues his academic career as a faculty member at Ankara University.
Valentina V. Guecha
Chief operating officer of a non-profit organisation IIOPE (iiope.org)
"United, working together on the health of future generations"
The lecture will briefly cover the basic consequences of abnormal muscle functions and behaviour for the patient’s General Health. For a long time and even sometimes today, the muscular aetiology of orthodontic problems has been ignored. In order to achieve a stable, successful result, the tongue posture must be corrected, nasal breathing must be restored, and contractions of the jugular muscles as a result of treatment must be inhibited. However, the most important result will be the Improvement of patient’s Health and Quality of Life. The Main Learning Objectives Are: - Understand that in order to arrive at a stable and long term outcome it is critical to identify the behaviours that are actually the problem and which cause the symptoms. - Recognise mouth breathing as a risk factor for the patient’s General Health, craniofacial growth and development and the Importance of treating that habit as early as possible. - Envision the importance of including a functional approach when treating patients with craniofacial and dental disorders.
-Deputy-Regent of the Section XV of the Eastern Europe and Central Asia, International College of
Dentists ICD (icdxv.com), FICD, 2022
- Founder and President of the International Association of Integrative Medicine and Contemporary
Technologies, IAMTMD (iamtmd.com), 2019
- Chairwomen of the international Training Center of the Myofunctional Research in Medicine and
Dentistry, since 2017
- Myofunctional Educator, Australia, 2016
- International Speaker at Congresses such as IFUNA and FDI
- Guest lecturer at the Sechenov University (Russia), Yerevan State Medical University (Armenia), Tashkent State Medical University (Uzbekistan)
- Volunteer lecturer for International College of Dentists (ICD), Armenian Dental Association, United
Association of Kazakhstan Dentists, Professional Society of Dental Hygienists.
- Coach and supervisor for Dental Clinics that introduced the Concept of Myofunctional Orthodontics in the Russian-speaking Region
Prof. Dr. Varinder Goyal, MDS, MFDS, RCPS
"Management of Deep carious Lesions- Evidence based Protocols"
Dental caries is a widely prevalent disease, burdening billions of individuals and causing significant healthcare costs. If left untreated, caries will advance through dentine stimulating pulpitis and eventually pulp infection and necrosis; however, if conservatively managed, pulpal recovery occurs even in deep carious lesions. The treatment of deep carious lesions is especially challenging for dentists, as such lesions are cavitated, with some dentin removal being required prior to placing a restoration to ensure the longevity of the restoration. Traditionally, deep caries management was destructive with nonselective (complete) removal of all carious dentine; Increasing evidence supports selective or stepwise instead of non-selective dentin removal in deep lesions of permanent teeth, as both avoid pulp exposure and postoperative complications These changes comes from an improved understanding of the pulp–dentine complex's defensive and reparative response to irritation, with harnessing the release of bioactive dentine matrix components and careful handling of the damaged tissue considered critical. Notably, the development of newer pulp capping materials has resulted in more predictable treatments from both a histological and a clinical perspective. Still many Critical questions related to the superiority of one caries removal technique over another, the best pulp capping biomaterial or whether pulp exposure is a negative prognostic factor remain unanswered. There is an urgent need to promote minimally invasive treatment strategies in dentistry. The aim of this lecture is to review the scientific evidence for deep caries removal in permanent vital teeth and the choice of material and restoration of the teeth to maintain long term tooth vitality and function.
Member, Board of Directors, International Association of Pediatric Dentistry
Board Member, Pediatric Dentistry Association of Asia,
President, South Asian Association of Pediatric Dentistry,
Past President, Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry,
Professor & Head, Department of Paediatric & Preventive Dentistry, Guru Nanak Dev Dental College & Research Institute, Sunam-148028, Punjab, India
Member Faculty of Dental Surgery, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow
Dr. Uğur TOKAY
"Root to Crown (R2C) in Pediatric Dentistry; Update"
The course program will provide participants with information on treatment alternatives for different clinical scenarios in pediatric patients. The course content will include theoretical knowledge and case examples supported by current literature on restorative and endodontic procedures to be applied on both permanent and deciduous teeth in clinical cases.
Course content
Key points to consider when planning for pediatric patients in clinical practice
Most important point: What should be considered when selecting materials?
Partial Indirect Restorations (digital workflow) as an alternative to PCK and Zirconia crowns in children with Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) teeth
Things to consider in root canal treatment for deciduous and permanent teeth in children and how to solve them quickly and ideally in practice
Is Rubberdam really a dream for pediatric patients?
Matrixology in restorations
Things to consider for increasing clinical success: Composite and bond selection
In Course Practice
Shaping and filling of permanent teeth with root canal using rotary file systems on closed apex models
Direct restorations in different scenarios using matrix systems on tooth models
Finishing model teeth with a complete treatment protocol from root to crown
Digital Pediatric Dentistry 4.0
Dr. Uğur Tokay was born in Aksaray in 1986. He completed his primary, secondary, and high school education in Aksaray. He graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry at Süleyman Demirel University, where he started his education in 2004, in 2010. In the same year, he began his doctoral studies in the Department of Pedodontics at Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Dentistry. He completed his PhD degree in 2014 and obtained the titles of "Doctor of Science" and "Specialist Dentist".
Between 2014 and 2019, he worked as a consultant specialist physician in different private clinics. Since September 2019, he has been working at Özel Premiumdent Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Polikliniği, which he co-founded.
Dr. Uğur Tokay is a member of CAD Academy, CEREC Doctors, International Association of Pediatric Dentistry, European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry, and Türk Pedodonti Derneği. In addition, he provides education as a Key Opinion Leader (KOL) for Dentsply Sirona.
Dr. Uğur Tokay's special areas of interest are protective, restorative, and aesthetic treatments in children and adolescents, regenerative endodontics, traumatic dental injuries, and digital pediatric dentistry.
Assoc. Prof. Tuğba Bezgin
"Regenerative endodontic procedures in necrotic immature teeth"
The use of regenerative endodontic procedures to induce tissue regeneration and thus apexogenesis, rather than filling root canals using artificial substitutes have gained popularity in treating necrotic immature permanent teeth. The aim of the current lecture is to evaluate the clinical efficacy of regenerative endodontics and conventional apexification treatments. The important clinical points to be considered when applying regenerative endodontic treatments will also be reviewed.
She was born in İstanbul in 1980. She completed her undergraduate studies in the Faculty of Dentistry at Hacettepe University between 1998-2003. In 2003, she started her PhD education at Ankara University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Pediatric Dentistry. She received her PhD degree in 2009 and she earned the title of associate professor in 2016. Then, she received a professor degree in 2022. She is still continuing her academic life in Ankara University, Faculty of Dentistry.
Prof. Dr. Muharrem Cem Doğan
"General Anaesthesia from Past to Present"
In developing societies like ours, where preventive oral and dental health practices are inadequate due to changes in behavioral and environmental factors observed in the last 20-30 years, there has been a significant increase in the prevalence of dental caries in children. This poses a significant problem for pediatric dentists who are trying to cope with this issue, as they often encounter young children with numerous deep carious lesions and cooperation difficulties. The challenges of implementing behavior management techniques in this age group, the need for multiple appointments, and the discrepancy between the effort expended and the financial gain pose significant issues for dentists. In addition, due to the lack of knowledge on the part of parents, their problem-focused approach, difficulties in explaining behavior management techniques, and failure to adhere to long appointment sessions exacerbate the existing problems. Furthermore, the inadequacy of preventive oral and dental health practices or the inability to complete appropriate dental treatment procedures under clinical conditions in children with special care needs has led to an increasing number of procedures being performed under general anesthesia. In the past 10 years, along with Turkey, the availability and increasing prevalence of dental treatment under general anesthesia/sedation worldwide have sparked debates regarding patient selection criteria. This presentation will discuss potential measures to reduce the need for general anesthesia, the risks associated with dental treatment under general anesthesia, the cost-benefit relationship, and the appropriate indications for such procedures in pediatric dentistry.
M. Cem DOĞAN was born in Adana in 1971. He completed his primary and secondary education in Adana. He graduated from Adana Anatolian High School in 1989. From 1989 to 1995, he studied at Gazi University Faculty of Dentistry. He pursued his doctoral studies in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at the same university from 1996 to 2001. Afterward, he started working at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at Çukurova University Faculty of Dentistry. He became an Assistant Professor in 2002, an Associate Professor in 2006, and a Professor in 2014. He continues to serve in the same department.
Prof. Dr. M. Cem DOĞAN has 30 articles indexed in international databases. He has translated one book titled "Engelliler ve Ağız Bakımı" (Oral Care for People with Disabilities). He has also translated the online course program on oral health and care for individuals with disabilities from the University of Florida into Turkish. He provided consultancy and project coordination for the "Mobile Dental Unit Project" supported by Adana Governorship Provincial Special Administration between 2007 and 2012, focusing on special care and individuals with disabilities. This project involved collaboration between the Provincial Health Directorate and Çukurova University. From 2013 to 2015, he served as the coordinator of the "Smile Without Barriers" project supported by the European Union under the title "Integration of Disabled Individuals." Between 2013 and 2014, he established the General Anesthesia Unit for Individuals Requiring Special Care with the support of Çukurova Development Agency and continues to manage this unit.
Turkish Society of Pediatric Dentistry
Accreditation Association for Dental Education Programs (Chairman of the Education Commission)
iADH (International Association for Disability and Oral Health)
Turkish Dental Association
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Salih Doğan
"General Anaesthesia from Past to Present"
In developing societies like ours, where preventive oral and dental health practices are inadequate due to changes in behavioral and environmental factors observed in the last 20-30 years, there has been a significant increase in the prevalence of dental caries in children. This poses a significant problem for pediatric dentists who are trying to cope with this issue, as they often encounter young children with numerous deep carious lesions and cooperation difficulties. The challenges of implementing behavior management techniques in this age group, the need for multiple appointments, and the discrepancy between the effort expended and the financial gain pose significant issues for dentists. In addition, due to the lack of knowledge on the part of parents, their problem-focused approach, difficulties in explaining behavior management techniques, and failure to adhere to long appointment sessions exacerbate the existing problems. Furthermore, the inadequacy of preventive oral and dental health practices or the inability to complete appropriate dental treatment procedures under clinical conditions in children with special care needs has led to an increasing number of procedures being performed under general anesthesia. In the past 10 years, along with Turkey, the availability and increasing prevalence of dental treatment under general anesthesia/sedation worldwide have sparked debates regarding patient selection criteria. This presentation will discuss potential measures to reduce the need for general anesthesia, the risks associated with dental treatment under general anesthesia, the cost-benefit relationship, and the appropriate indications for such procedures in pediatric dentistry.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Salih Doğan was born on July 22, 1976, in Ankara, Turkey. He began his education at Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry in 1993 and completed it in 1999. In 2002, he started his Ph.D. studies at the Department of Pedodontics, Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry, and completed his doctoral degree in 2008. In 2009, he started working as an Assistant Professor at Erciyes University Faculty of Dentistry and was involved in the establishment of the Department of Pedodontics. In 2017, he was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor and served as the Head of the Department of Pedodontics at Erciyes University Faculty of Dentistry from its establishment until 2021. He is currently working as a faculty member in the same department. He has served as the chairman and member of numerous committees within the faculty. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Salih Doğan is currently a member of the Board of Turkish Society of Pedodontics and has published numerous articles and presentations in national and international journals. He also serves on the editorial boards of academic journals. His main areas of interest include dental treatments under general anesthesia and sedation, individual variations in the crystal structure of enamel in relation to caries formation, diagnosis and treatment planning and occlusion management in children. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Salih Doğan is fluent in English and is married with one son.
Prof. Dr. Tamer Tüzüner
"General Anaesthesia from Past to Present"
In developing societies like ours, where preventive oral and dental health practices are inadequate due to changes in behavioral and environmental factors observed in the last 20-30 years, there has been a significant increase in the prevalence of dental caries in children. This poses a significant problem for pediatric dentists who are trying to cope with this issue, as they often encounter young children with numerous deep carious lesions and cooperation difficulties. The challenges of implementing behavior management techniques in this age group, the need for multiple appointments, and the discrepancy between the effort expended and the financial gain pose significant issues for dentists. In addition, due to the lack of knowledge on the part of parents, their problem-focused approach, difficulties in explaining behavior management techniques, and failure to adhere to long appointment sessions exacerbate the existing problems. Furthermore, the inadequacy of preventive oral and dental health practices or the inability to complete appropriate dental treatment procedures under clinical conditions in children with special care needs has led to an increasing number of procedures being performed under general anesthesia. In the past 10 years, along with Turkey, the availability and increasing prevalence of dental treatment under general anesthesia/sedation worldwide have sparked debates regarding patient selection criteria. This presentation will discuss potential measures to reduce the need for general anesthesia, the risks associated with dental treatment under general anesthesia, the cost-benefit relationship, and the appropriate indications for such procedures in pediatric dentistry.
He was born at 23.08.1979 in Trabzon. Prof. Dr. Tamer Tüzüner started his education in Gazi University Faculty of Dentistry in 1997. After completion of the graduate degree in 2002, he started his PhD education in Gazi University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Paediatric Dentistry. After the completion of doctoral degree in 2008, started his career as a post doctoral researcher in the Karadeniz Technical University Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry. After gaining as an Assist.Prof.Dr. in 2009, he succeeded the national board exam and became an Associate Prof.Dr. in 2013 and a Prof. Dr. in 2019 and currently he is the head of the department and the member of university senate. Prof. Dr. Tamer Tüzüner is continuing his activities as the Head of the Public Oral and Dental Health and Education committees at his faculty. He is the member of Community Oral and Dental Health Group in Turkish Dental Association, Turkish Society of Paediatric Dentistry and European Academyof Paeditaric Dentistry, Biomimetic Dentistry Board. He has also ERASMUS staff mobility experience and along with the total of 90 articles published in prestigious national and international journals, he has nearly a total of 100 oral and poster presentations and ongoing respectable national projects (Tübitak,Kosgeb, Tüseb,Doka and Bap) as well. Some of the specialized study areas are known as; Preventive Dentistry, Glass ionomer cements and Dental materials used in paediatric dentistry, Behavioral guidance, Atraumatic Restorative Treatment, Lasers in Paediatric Dentistry, Antibacterial agents used in dentistry and Preventive and Interceptive Orthodontics. He is married and has twin sons.